SIFA Fireside provides an ever-evolving range of responsive homelessness support services so that people can rebuild their lives in safety and with dignity. These include:

This is achieved by shaping a healthier environment and fairer opportunities for our clients to live affordable, sustainable, and enjoyable healthy lives. The Adult Lead Worker service provides personalised support for health and well-being development, mental health engagement, social community engagement, social wellbeing, digital inclusion skills development, and building independence.
This service provides support for those aged 25 plus, whether they’re childless or single adults, couples (and their pets) or older adults aged 65+ with support needs. Clients must have a local connection to Birmingham and are experiencing or have experienced two or more of the following:
Substance use
Poor mental health
History of repeat homelessness
Offending history
Serially excluded from services or be at risk of exclusion from mainstream services.
Access to the Adult Lead Worker Service is by referral only.

The team offers long-term support for clients with substance abuse or addiction issues, providing holistic support that's centered on the client and their own, individual needs. The key here is long-term, trauma-informed care so that clients realise that we are standing by them as they progress along their journey out of homelessness.
Find out more about the work we do and take a look at Fiona's story at the link below.

As well as acting as the conduit to Birmingham City Council’s Housing Options Team, we also offer hot meals, showers and clean clothes to anyone who is rough sleeping or in need of emergency support, as well as food parcels, conversation and an internet connection.
Open from Monday to Friday, 9am until 12.45pm, the team build trust and rapport with people experiencing homelessness and stand by them while they rebuild their lives in safety and with dignity.
Individuals over the age of 25 who are rough sleeping or in need of emergency support can present at SIFA Fireside from 9am onwards.
To find out more about the work we do, take a look at Scott's story below.

The team support clients with passport retrieval and applications, medical forms and translations as well as meeting their basic needs. They also create pathways and direct clients to specialised external services who can support them further, before staying in contact with clients to assess how and if these external services are working for them.
To find out more about the work we do, take a look at Mahmood's story below.

Our Peer Mentors work to bridge this gap, offering lighter-touch support for a successful, individualised relationship to develop. This relationship can aid the transition to independent living, including practical, health and wellbeing, social and potential employment, education and training support.
The Peer Support service is about meeting the client where they are on their rough sleeping journey and accompanying them on that journey, rather than simply telling them what they should do.
This service is referral only.

To increase client involvement and co-production, we involve clients and individuals with lived experience in the design, delivery, and evaluation of SIFA Fireside’s activities, services and policies. We regularly run focus groups to discuss issues and ideas with our clients as well as facilitating quarterly Client Committee meetings.
Our homelessness recovery offer is focused on developing life and practical skills through activities and groups so that clients are well prepared and equipped to lead happier and healthier independent lives. Our program includes popular creativity workshops where people can express themselves via a range of different art projects. We also deliver, individual or group budgeting sessions, Cookery classes, Digital Inclusion and Help with seeking Employment and Training.
Find out more about the work we do via the link below.
If you are concerned about someone sleeping rough, send an alert to StreetLink by visiting thestreetlink.org.uk so that a trained professional can meet the individual experiencing homelessness and offer them support.
Our services are constantly evolving to better support people in Birmingham that are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The services, skills development workshops and activity classes that SIFA Fireside offers develop through regular consultation around the changing needs of our clients.
Learn more about the impact that SIFA Fireside has, as a charity, on the lives of people experiencing, at risk of, or in recovery from the effects of homelessness in Birmingham.
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